Yesterday Iris invented a new game called Freezer. She pretends to be a frozen food and I put her in the freezer, aka the couch. Then I remove her from the freezer, prepare her appropriately, and take a bite.
Here favorite variation is where she is made into a burger, because I can pat out the patty (“pat, pat”), put her in the skillet (“sizzle!”), flip her over, then put her on a bun (two couch cushions). “You almost forgot the HP sauce!” says Iris.
On one round, I said she was a box of popsicles.
> **Me:** I’m going to open up this box and take out a banana popsicle. Mmm! [I chew on her arm.]
> **Iris:** That’s not a popsicle, that’s an arm.
> (pause)
> **Iris:** Do boxes have arms?
Where are you finding HP sauce? Every time I’ve been to FPI lately they tell me their supplier has none.
Delaurenti. I’m sure it’s way more expensive than PFI.