Down at the Broadway QFC, there’s an annual (two years running, at least) Halloween candy display with a giant inflatable Grim Reaper. The candy is kept in a tunnel underneath the Reaper, and when you enter the tunnel, the Reaper cackles maniacally and says something unintelligible. Iris absolutely loves the Reaper. She asks to visit it every day. She’s not after the candy; it’s just the chance to hang with the Reaper in person.
Oh, last year, when Iris was one-and-a-half, I told her that the Grim Reaper is also known as Death. Iris said something my mom about the Grim Reaper, which came out sounding like “Green Reaper.”
“Who is the Green Reaper?” asked Grandma.
“Beth!” said Iris.
Today after visiting the Grim, we were on the way to the playground, when Iris began singing the following song:
**Iris:** Old McGrim Reaper had a farm. E-I-E-I-Grim.