The edge

Last week my laptop broke, six days *before* the warranty expired, and I sent it in for service. Apple service is awesome. They overnighted me a box. I put the computer in the box and called DHL for a pickup. They picked up the box at 4:30pm on Monday and flew it to Memphis. The computer came back, completely fixed, on Wednesday at 10:30am. Iris was impressed not only at the quick turnaround, but that my computer took the red-eye.

To celebrate the safe return of my now out-of-warranty computer, I am typing on it while eating a plate of gooey baked eggs with ham and gruyère and drinking a cappuccino.

3 thoughts on “The edge

  1. Maggi

    Yep. Ain’t Macs the greatest? Although, I have my eye on this Mac Tablet PC. It’s an after market hacked MacBook so that awesome Apple warranty would be out the window should I pony up the 3000 clams for one of those babies. But hey, the tablet screen is replaceable. User-serviceable, replaceable. It’s a trade-off…

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