More nutty observations

Have you ever wondered whether the people behind the blogs you read are ordinary people like yourselves or *Internet people* with crazy opinions?

I can’t speak for those other blogs, but as for this one: I just had a conversation with Laurie in which I said that if I were in charge of school lunch reform, I would mandate that every meal include multiple cooked vegetables and a minimum fat content of, say, 30 percent, preferably including coconut oil, palm oil, or some kind of animal fat. “Those are the basics, right there,” I believe I said.

Laurie explained that in the case of the fat content, this would be actually illegal. But that’s why they call it reform, right?

P.S.: I would also mandate lime juice. Rivers of lime juice.

7 thoughts on “More nutty observations

  1. Wendy

    Are you sold on coconut oil, and if so, to what extent? Do you have any good books that talk about it? I haven’t been able to find anything from a source that looks reputable on the internet.

  2. mamster Post author

    Wendy, depends what you mean by “sold.” I have some in my cupboard which I used most recently to make homemade Magic Shell. So I guess I’m sold.

    In terms of health benefits or detriments, I do my best not to look at food that way. (I realize that’s pretentious.) In the case of school lunches, my reasoning is: kids should eat lunch; kids tend to be moving quickly and should therefore eat a lunch that is calorie-dense; nothing is more calorie-dense than fat; coconut oil is one of the best-tasting fats.

  3. ts

    Time to go to Spring Hill in West Seattle – fries cooked in beef fat, to go with the huge burger. You can probably get a side of fries.

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