Iris Out Loud #5: Daiso

I’ve mentioned before that I love Daiso, the Japanese dollar-store. Now Iris loves it too, ever since I brought her there and told her she could pick any toy in the store. (The most expensive toys in the store are $5, but most are $1.50.) She chose a gaudily-painted ceramic princess. The tennis game I bought there on my first visit (two flimsy rackets and two striped ping-pong balls) has provided literally hours of fun.

But it was Iris’s idea to record a commercial.

[Iris Out Loud #5: Daiso]( (1.3MB MP3)

13 thoughts on “Iris Out Loud #5: Daiso

  1. Sarah

    Oh my gosh. That was just enough cute to last me all day. Thanks for being so clever Iris! Now if only there were a Daiso close by…

  2. Maggi

    Wow! I’m impressed! So uh, how long did you two have to rehearse for the commercial?


  3. mamster Post author

    We practiced the general idea once before recording. It’s unscripted. Feel free to be amazed.

  4. matt wright

    What on earth!! I have been spending way too much on asian dishes!! I am certainly going to head to Daiso soon.

    You should do more audio posts with Iris.. wait, she should do her own blog of just audio posts about her day. That would make me smile 7 days a week.

  5. mamster Post author

    Dave, I’ll get around to that at some point; in the meantime just do a search.

  6. mamster Post author

    We actually went to Daiso this morning and came home with a shinkansen train wash toy (wallet-busting at $4.50 for two train cars plus the train wash) and some tea supplies for me.

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