1. A [book website](http://www.hungrymonkeybook.com/) will be launching soon, so you don’t have to read book-related minutiae here and can stick to my observations on flank steak and the like.
2. Many people have asked me whether I’ll be selling the book directly. I won’t. Any way you buy the book will make me equally (very) happy. If you borrow it from your public library, that is also great. If you have to request that your public library buy it, even better. (But don’t request it now; it’s too early!) If you steal it, that is bad mojo, unless you steal it from someone really mean.
i have, indeed, been checking (online) with my library…even though my brother-in-law, who works in publishing, says libraries are vaguely communist institutions. (my mother is a librarian. holidays are fun at our house! :) )