I’ve mentioned Lara Ferroni’s great post about making homemade udon before. Laurie was out for the afternoon and Iris and I needed a project, so noodle stomping it was.
Iris stomps udon from Matthew Amster-Burton on Vimeo.
After this part, we rolled out and cut the noodles, boiled them, and stir-fried them with mushrooms, cabbage, and chicken. Then we stomped on them again! Not really.
P.S.: This is the first time I’ve ever uploaded a video. I am on the cutting edge, 2004-style. Go Kerry!
Shaking my head at your 2004-ness…(not that I upload videos, either).
Thanks for reminding me! I’ve been meaning to get my stomping feet out for ages now.
Wow…if you weren’t hip before, you certainly are now.
I like anything that involves children’s feet…
how cool! i know i would’ve gotten a huge kick (no pun intended) out of that as a kid.