As you may have noticed if you’re in the business of forlornly hitting “refresh” over and over, Roots and Grubs has stalled out. Iris is in kindergarten now and is no longer a ready source of babyish food-related observations.
The site isn’t going anywhere, but I doubt I’ll be updating often. I do have a couple of new projects in mind, and I’ll tell you about them soon. In the meantime, here’s where you can find me:
**Twitter:** [@mamster](
**Delicious:** (Links to everything I write) [mamster](
**Culinate:** [Unexplained Bacon](
**[Upcoming appearances](**
**[Book news](**
Thank you very much for being my loyal readers.
It’s not like I haven’t seen this coming, but this is the SADDEST THING EVER, or pretty close. I realized a couple of weeks ago that I was still depending on my R&G feed to let me know when you’d written something new. Is twitter the best way, now? Do you link to everything you write? WILL THERE EVER BE ANOTHER PODCAST? (Iris is still funny, you know.)
just yesterday, i went to post a comment about how SURELY you’d been keelhauled by, you know, keelhaulin’ kate! only…the last post was SO LONG AGO that comments were closed, so i was like a cream samwich cookie of sad.
AND THEN i learned that gourmet was disappearing from the face of the earth (at least in gratifying, shiny, folding form). worst literary foodie day ever.
We should get some dinners on the calendar, because
“There are no upcoming meals.”
next to this post looks like a total harbinger of doom.
Aw, don’t worry. Laurie and I went to the Posies’ “final show” about ten years ago, and since then they’ve made one LP and played about a hundred shows. It’ll probably turn out like that. Also, I wrote this before I heard Gourmet was out of business.
Wendy, the best way to know when I’ve written something new is my Delicious feed, linked above. If you click through to the page, it’s a list of links, but there’s an RSS feed for that page, too.
Yes, sorry to hear about Gourmet and the Roots and Grubs hiatus! But I get a little retro thrill to be going back to Mamster’s Grub Shack.
The easy solution is to have another kid. It sets you up for a few more years of cute baby quotes and makes you realize that all the stuff you generalized about kids, based on your experience with child #1 is completely wrong….