Hit parade

If you’re not interested in audio, I promise not to flog my new project too often. But wow, the response to [Spilled Milk](http://www.spilledmilkpodcast.com/) has been insane. Either I am as great as I think I am, or I teamed up with the world’s most popular food blogger. In any case, check this out:

Those are the absolutely unretouched rankings of food podcasts on iTunes, as of 8am on January 23, 2010.

We released episode two yesterday, our celebration of winter squash and how to bust it open, and you can get it right now, for free, on the [Spilled Milk site](http://www.spilledmilkpodcast.com/2010/01/21/episode-2-winter-squash/) or [on iTunes](http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=349527672).

We’ll be working hard throughout 2010 to bring you more shows, better audio, and dumber jokes. Thanks for listening.

8 thoughts on “Hit parade

  1. Rachel

    I’ve never met you, but I read both you and Molly wherever I can, and the podcast was so awesome, I was wiping tears from my eyes from laughing so much. Alone. In the car. Please more!

  2. Laura

    Hey Matthew,
    I read your book last spring and loved it so much that I bought it for two friends who recently had babies and they loved it too! Anyway, I noted your comments on Nueske’s bacon in the book and tucked that note away for a time it would be convenient to have a taste for myself. Well, that time was last night…I happened to stumble on a package of Nueske’s at Uwajimaya this weekend and fried it up last night with some eggs & toast. I have to say, it isn’t as good as my standard bacon from Thundering Hooves and I thought you might want to put your Nueske’s up to the challenge. It’d be a great excuse for more fried eggs :)

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