I got an email the other day from a guy who said, “You never tell anyone what you’re up to anymore.” Good point, guy.
So here I am, blowing up your RSS. Mostly to ask for money, but that’s not all. Here’s where to find me these days:
* First up, I have a novel coming out (my first), and I’m funding it on Kickstarter. It’s called [Our Secret Better Lives](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mamster/our-secret-better-lives-a-rock-and-roll-novel?ref=user_menu), and it’s about Katy, a first-year at a small college in L.A. in 1994 who might actually have a shot at becoming a rock star. If you enjoy my food writing, I think you’re going to love this. It’s funny and sweet and full of snappy dialogue. I’d love your help publishing it. [Read the first chapter now](https://medium.com/@mamster/our-secret-better-lives-chapter-1-5b077cd79549#.fnchzic5y) and [pledge here](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mamster/our-secret-better-lives-a-rock-and-roll-novel?ref=user_menu). Thank you!
* I’ve just started writing for [Supper Club](http://www.avclub.com/food), a division of The A.V. Club, a division of The Onion. My first piece, about Seattle teriyaki, will be out next week.
* I also write other books, most recently [Not One Shrine: Two Food Writers Devour Tokyo](https://www.amazon.com/Not-One-Shrine-Writers-Devour-ebook/dp/B01EEPE41M/). Look for them in book places.
* And I still cohost [Spilled Milk](http://spilledmilkpodcast.com/) every week with Molly Wizenberg. Best job I’ve ever had. We did a live show in Seattle last week, and we have another coming up soon. Listen to the show for details.
* Finally, I occasionally write pieces for Medium unrelated to food or anything else, like [this piece about a semi-obscure English pop band](https://medium.com/@mamster/especially-for-me-5be248784dee#.yjbsivoyc).
Hope that covers it, guy!