
Pretty Good Number OnePretty Good Number One

Tokyo is the city of skyscrapers and bullet trains, high-tech toilets and souped-up vending machines.

Tokyo is the city where, every morning, your neighbors pin underwear to clotheslines and the chef down the street nods hello as he strikes the head off a wriggling eel. 

In Pretty Good Number One: An American Family Eats Tokyo, a Seattle family finds out what it’s really like to live and eat in this most exciting and misunderstood of places. Traveling to the world’s biggest city to live in a tiny apartment and ride overcrowded trains may not sound like your idea of a relaxing vacation.

But Tokyo, it turns out, is a city to fall in love with….

Hungry MonkeyHungry Monkey

A memoir on the wild joys of food and parenting and the marvelous mélange of the two, Hungry Monkey takes food enthusiasts on a new adventure in eating (with dozens of delicious recipes!). In the end, our guide reminds us: “Food is fun, and you get to enjoy it three times a day, plus snacks!”