Two cheers for The Man

Two recent positive experiences with big, huge companies (and one ugly one).


We ordered some paper towels from [Amazon Fresh]( When they arrived, I opened the package and found that some water had gotten inside and mildew was growing. Ew. I called the customer service number, and they not only sent the truck back the same day with a replacement, but they *didn’t charge me for the paper towels at all.*


On nights when Laurie is out, Iris and I sometimes order pizza, sit on a picnic blanket in the living room, and watch Harry Potter movies. Sometimes we order said pizza from [Pagliacci](, sometimes from a [national chain]( Last week, Iris really, really wanted the chain pizza. I looked at the web site and found there were no applicable coupons and that to order a medium thin-and-crispy pizza would cost almost $20. I balked. “Hey, Iris,” I said, “what about frozen pizza?”

“Could we heat it up?”

“Yes.” I went to QFC and got Red Baron Thin n’ Crispy Five Cheese, which was on sale for $3. I put some pepperoni and red onion on my half. Was it really great pizza? No. Was it every bit as good as Pizza Hut? Absolutely.

Buy it now

Hungry Monkey is out RIGHT NOW. I am so glad to be able to say this, since it feels like it’s been Coming Soon for about forty-seven years.

Buy it now…

from Powell’s
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from Barnes & Noble.

Or ask at your local bookstore; if they don’t have it in stock, they should be able to get it from their supplier within a couple of days.

To answer a common question: you can’t buy the book directly from me, but I will send a signed bookplate if you send me a SASE.

Thanks for reading!